Sunday, March 22, 2020


"There was something in it," said Sherona.
"I don't think so," said Gargant.
"I can smell it on my fingers," said Sherona. "Smell my fingers!"
Her fingers wriggled under his nose for a moment before he swatted them away. Sherona reclined the passenger seat to a horizontal plank & drummed her fingertips on her stomach. Gargant's body language was all screwed up.
"I bet you think there was too," said Sherona.
"No bets," said Gargant. "My family has recently become very unlucky in gambling."
"Let me go inside," said Sherona.
"Please," said Gargant, "not again."
"You can stay in the car," said Sherona.
"That's not it," said Gargant.
"I implore you," said Sherona. "Unlock the door."
"But it's a children's hospital," said Gargant. "It's the middle of the night."
"But it's PCP, Gargant," said Sherona.
"You said it was angel dust," said Gargant.
"It's the same thing!" said Sherona.
"Does this young lady need help," said the hospital officer.
Sherona screamed.
"Um," said Gargant.
"I need a wheelchair!" said Sherona. "Stat!"
"What happened here," said the hospital officer.
"We . . ." said Gargant.
"Yes?" said the hospital officer.
"We . . ." said Gargant.
"Yes?" said Sherona.
"We bought a cigarette from one of the homeless," said Gargant. Sherona's eye widened and she mouthed 'ringworm' to Gargant.
"I think I have ringworm –" said Sherona.
"From the cigarette?" said the hospital officer.
"Affirmative!" said Sherona.
"Was this homeless person a man or a woman?" said the hospital officer.
"It was impossible to say," said Gargant.
"It's going to be difficult to track the perp without a gender," said the hospital officer. He looked to the girl.
"I would also like to see someone who specializes in children on PCP," said Sherona.
"That's funny," said the hospital officer. "My kid is inside, freaking out on PCP. He's as high as a Rocky Mountain maple – haha, he’s practically dripping sap."
"I'd like to meet him," said Sherona. "I'm in the market for a new boyfriend and your son sounds sweet."

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