Saturday, May 10, 2014


Congratulations team, you baked a mess. This cake is awful for some time, no redeeming value. It is inedible, I am unhappy. My son, my son, what have ye done, gone waiting for me at the train station with beer in hand -- I twas not there, I never arrived, the bus never came, the train flew off the tracks, by the time you read this I will have been rubbed out. Tickets were too much. The flight was too long. This headache is dedicated to you & cannot be explained.

Where does all the teeth go? Do you need a wrestler? People are so mad at thing & one have to asks why? You saw TV & what it hads for dinner. I'll make certain your cracker factory never produces another tasty delicious xtra-crispee cracker ever again!

It felt so good to hold my cellphone that close to my heart.  Snickers is looking to hire a few good bad boys. Naked rappers clause in what contract. Never in a billion trillion jizzillion years did I imagine I'd be fighting with a small child over a bag of gin. The Virgin Mary: was she cool -or- did she drool? I'm just plain sick of getting tattoos of your mothers' names.

We can talk about what familiar means.


Manali Kulkarni ‏ said...

People who spend their lives in the station waiting for the right train when they could go around the world taking the wrong ones.

Egypt said...


sourabh gupta said...
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