Tuesday, November 30, 2010


That summer was unreal: I was eleven or twelve years old and the humidity was unbearable. Everything was slo-mo'd out. I couldn't bear to hear the neighbor kids laffing in the yard.

This past summer, ENB spent a month living/studying in Italy while I stayed back, in the deep shit of a huge project while taking care of the little man.

He was sick but I didn't know how badly. Meanwhile, the project became another full time job. Rarely did I leave the house.

Sometimes this city is such a joke. Any time a lil' storm comes along, power goes out everywhere. People get the crazies. I ran out into a wild gale in my boxer shorts without realizing my balls were exposed via a hole in the fabric. I screamed into the storm & came back inside.

But there were moments of respite & humor.

But I couldn't tell you what was going on for the life of me. What was up, what was down.

And I can't tell you how much I still miss the little man. Sometimes the wound feels so raw.

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