Woof -- Friday night's 'Tique was a bust. Following last month's 200+ night, this outing had 30 paying attendees and 15 or so early birds that avoided the cover charge. The best part: the venue wasn't expecting us. Still, it wasn't an altogether terrible evening: the low pressure meant that we could play whatever we wanted and have fun with our friends that showed (including Brian, who seemed in good spirits and has been extra-sharp on the jokes of late). Unfortunately, due to an earlier agreement Aaron made with the owner of the venue, our payment was, well, "nominal".
Shortly before the last 'Tique, we began a dialogue as to what's next. Although the majority of 'Tiques have done well, we'd like to move out of that venue and onto more. The argument to move is easy: the $5 cover charge is a bit ridiculous, the joker that runs the place is a nightmare, and -- save for the outdoor patio, which isn't functional during winter -- the venue isn't exactly pleasing to the eyes unless you love the personality and decor of a dental office. On top of that, I've
never heard more complaints about a bar staff.
Ideally, we could split our current sets into a laid back weekly at a downtown cafe and take the 'Tique to another venue for the dancier side. At least in Ann Arbor, and probably other cities, the model for DJ nights and events could be toyed with a bit. Individual events are still far more appealing than routine weeklies so I'll have to consider that before proposing a night somewhere.
Somewhat surprisingly, it was one of my better nights on turntables and inspired me to consider curating and editing a long-playing mix complete with edits, mixes, original material, and possibly one or two forthcoming HOO! tunes. A title,
Black Matter (or
Dark Matter ), and design scheme have been tumbling around my head and a tentative tracklist has been prepped.
Will Eisner once commented that he combined his ineptitude as a struggling painter and his ineptitude as a struggling writer to create an aptitude in the field of sequential narrative (re: comic books). Richard D. James said that often the most interesting musicians are those that don't seek fame or must be prodded to release a record, and the best promoters often make the worst crud.
An important life lesson was learning that people often fall into great jobs by mistake or find strengths and success in roles other than (but related to) their original passion. My strengths may lie more in acting as a circuit between other peoples' music and new ears by DJing and releasing music, which I'm completely fine with. I've no doubt there will be a day when I release something of my own worth a damn but my greatest successes so far are not in that field.
The recent arrival of the P-Comb master has thrown me right back into ecstatic fandom and reassured me that releasing music is going to be really great. Roj should be sending his files along soon for a smash inaugural release and great things lie past that.
It can't always be an awful world.